Our team

Dennis Bunnik


Annette Meewisse

Sales | International

Annette Meewisse image 1 Annette Meewisse image 2
Annette Meewisse portrait

Annette Meewisse

Sales | International

+31 (0)10 529 2808 annette.bunnik@bunnikcreations.nl

Fujia van Zetten

Sales | International

Fujia van Zetten image 1 Fujia van Zetten image 2
Fujia van Zetten portrait

Fujia van Zetten

Sales | International

+31(0)105292828 fujia.vanzetten@bunnikcreations.nl

Jill Lamping

Sales | International

Jill Lamping image 1 Jill Lamping image 2
Jill Lamping portrait

Jill Lamping

Sales | International

+31(0)105292823 jill.lamping@bunnikcreations.nl

Loraine van den Berg

Sales | International

Loraine van den Berg image 1 Loraine van den Berg image 2
Loraine van den Berg portrait

Loraine van den Berg

Sales | International

+31 10 - 52 92 854 loraine@bunnikcreations.nl

Priscilla Karssen

Sales | International

Priscilla Karssen image 1 Priscilla Karssen image 2
Priscilla Karssen portrait

Priscilla Karssen

Sales | International

+31 (0)10 5292852 priscilla.karssen@bunnikcreations.nl

Stephanie Baars

Sales | International

Stephanie Baars image 1 Stephanie Baars image 2
Stephanie Baars portrait

Stephanie Baars

Sales | International

31 (0)10 5242169 stephanie.baars@bunnikcreations.nl

Gert Woelderink

Sales | Europe

Lenny van der Meer

Sales | Europe

Marcella Prins

Sales | Europe

Remco Pouw

Sales | Europe

Ricardo Pereira

Sales | Europe

Robin Groen

Sales | Europe

Sandra Hogervorst

Sales | Europe

Sandra Hogervorst image 1 Sandra Hogervorst image 2
Sandra Hogervorst portrait

Sandra Hogervorst

Sales | Europe

+31 (0)10 5242151 Sandra@bunnikcreations.nl

Raymond Hedges

Commercial manager

Raymond Hedges image 1 Raymond Hedges image 2
Raymond Hedges portrait

Raymond Hedges

Commercial manager

31105292822 Raymond.hedges@bunnikcreations.nl

Monique Becks


Katelijn Nap

Supply chain

Kitty van der Post

Supply chain

Kitty van der Post image 1 Kitty van der Post image 2
Kitty van der Post portrait

Kitty van der Post

Supply chain

+31 10 - 52 92 827 kitty@bunnikcreations.nl

Linda Maas

Supply chain

Rachèl Beekman

Supply chain

Rachèl Beekman image 1 Rachèl Beekman image 2
Rachèl Beekman portrait

Rachèl Beekman

Supply chain

+31 10 - 52 92 807 rachel@bunnikcreations.nl

Rick Anderson

Data & It

Rick Anderson image 1 Rick Anderson image 2
Rick Anderson portrait

Rick Anderson

Data & It


Friso Moret

Supplier & Quality Control

Friso Moret image 1 Friso Moret image 2
Friso Moret portrait

Friso Moret

Supplier & Quality Control

+31 10 - 52 92 856 friso@bunnikcreations.nl

Dirk Beijer

Product Owner

Richard Smit

Business Development Manager

Richard Smit image 1 Richard Smit image 2
Richard Smit portrait

Richard Smit

Business Development Manager

+31 (0)10 52 92 8 31 Richard.Smit@bunnikcreations.nl

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Bunnik Creations

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Hyacintenweg 37
2665 NC - Bleiswijk

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