17 februari 2021


We keep a close eye on the latest trends and three times a year we showcase these upcoming trends at our Green Event Centre. At the moment our showroom is filled with trends that we will see around us in spring 2022, such as Royal Blue and Industrial Chic. Of course, with every trend comes new products! From our own designs to customization, everything is possible and we make sure that there is something for everyone.  With each trend we have a nice balance of styles, both commercial and outspoken. This also applies to the product materials. We always make sure that for every trend there is a pot in every kind of material. You can think of wood, glass, ceramics, plastic, zinc, powder coating and basket- and wickerwork. Soon the new interactive 360 tour will be available so you can virtually walk through our Green Event Centre and see everything with your own eyes. Would you like more information? Feel free to contact us directly.

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