New trending items – face pots!
Lately we see it more and more, the faces, a real trend that we cannot ignore. Come and check out these pots with your own eyes!
Lately we see it more and more, the faces, a real trend that we cannot ignore. Come and check out these pots with your own eyes!
Are you already up to date with the latest styling trends? At Bunnik Creations we continuously research the latest emerging trends, both international and country specific. This way we make sure that there is always something new and that there is something for everyone!
Besides the fact that we have our own factory with powder coated pots in many different shapes and colors, we have more to offer!
Bunnik Creations has recently added a new branch: Bunnik Supplies. Through this branch we offer several products that contribute to a safer and more hygienic life.
Our first virtual fair is a fact. During the Cultivate Event between 13 and 16 July we will not be in Ohio, but online.
After being open for 15 days, our temporary shop closed its doors last Saturday, April 18. We would like to thank everyone who came by, to get some nice plants for their house. Together we have avoided a lot of waste.